ISO Education


  • ISO Fundamentals: Superpowers, Roles, Responsibilities - Module 1 (Length – 40:44)
  • Cybersecurity Villains: Real-World Examples of the Most Likely Incidents in Community Banks - Module 2 (Length – 50:34)
  • Satisfying the Regulators (Commissioner): Preparing for Your Next Examination - Module 3 (Length – 36:49)
  • When Worlds Collide: How to Handle a Cybersecurity Incident and Avoid Damaging Your Bank’s Reputation - Module 4 (Length – 52:04)
  • New Third-Party Service Provider Management Guidance: Aligning Vendors to Mitigate Risk and Keep the Bank Flying High - Module 5 (Length – 38:11)
  • Cybersecurity Risk and Reward: Delivering Super Digital Services in a Convenient Yet Secure Manner - Module 6 (Length – 59:48)

Becoming Your Bank’s Information Security Superhero 

When cybersecurity threats are coming at banks faster than speeding bullets, how can bank ISOs save the day and bring truth, justice, and the American way to their banks?  No bank is invincible.  Every bank has its kryptonite.

Whether you’re a new ISO or a seasoned one, every day brings new challenges that one must meet and defeat.  Oftentimes, one superhero and one set of superpowers is not enough to win the battle against cyber-villains.  When faced with multiple nemeses, a team approach can work best, and knowing where to find knowledge can be the key to victory.

With great power comes great responsibility.  Annual ISO education is expected by bank examiners and is needed to keep you in top shape to fight for your bank.  Let the Sawyers & Jacobs team be your ally and arm you with the tools and techniques to protect bank and customer information from those who wish to do you harm.

As you build your fortress of solitude, hear about the current cybersecurity threats facing bankers and how these threats are being thwarted with sound strategies, proper planning, and reasonable risk mitigation.  Because we engage with hundreds of banks across our great nation, we see and hear examples of what’s working and what’s failing so that we can pass that powerful information on to you through this educational event … making you a stronger ISO in the process.

Ready for action?  Buy now and assemble with your peers for a unique approach to ISO education that will help you reach new heights in your career and better protect your bank or credit union from the forces of evil. 



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