Call the Right Plays as Your Bank's Information Security QuarterbackÂ
Every team needs a leader…someone with confidence to execute the game plan and produce results. As your bank’s Information Security Officer (ISO), you’ve been drafted to be that leader…that quarterback who calls the plays and moves the ball down the field to score touchdowns and put points on the board.
Even the best quarterbacks practice and receive extensive training to hone their craft and perform at a high level. Even the All-Pros report to training camp to begin the new season. Consider our ISO Education to be your training camp to become the best ISO you can be and lead your team to the championship as a high-performing bank that effectively balances the risk-reward proposition of banking.
Join the Sawyers & Jacobs team, your ISO coaching staff, as we open the playbook to winning strategies and tactics that will help you perform your duties at a high level and take the field (or report to your board or examiners) with the confidence and poise of a champion.